
Attorney Bookkeeping: Direct or Hard Costs


I know I have written many articles on this topic. But it seems to be the one topic that keeps attorneys and bookkeepers awake at night. Let's dive in.

Hard Costs/Direct Costs...

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Law Firm Profitability: The Realization Rate


This week and the next few weeks we will be repeating some of our favourite Advisory posts. Why?  Because we are headed to the only accounting conference this year, Scaling New...

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LEAN, Mean, LAW Machine!

This week was supposed to be about pricing your first attorney-client lead. Part of a series you can find here. However, what is that saying, "life got in the way"? We have a pretty big...

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Its Called a Trust Account for a Reason

Have you ever heard of a story that made you shake your head and say:

“Uh, what century are we living in again?!”

The unfortunate truth is that there are ethical lawyers and some not...

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